Banish These Copywriting Mistakes Today

31/03/2011 01:12
Even though most people say they hate sales material, it's funny because everything on the net is sold using sales copy and material. There are so many ways to produce ineffective copy, and that's why it's important to have some awareness of the different kinds of copywriting mistakes.

The first simple mistake you have to avoid is forgetting to learn about the product you will be promoting with your writing. If you don't have a lot of knowledge about the product you will have a hard time trying to convince people to buy it. The reader will be able to quickly and easily tell that you don't have any knowledge about the product. This will take a major toll on your conversion rate and lower your sales. Never forget that you need to know everything there is to know about the product you are selling--the good and the bad. Once you have learned all there is to know about the product you can creatively play up its benefits. When you're sure of these points, you could easily be crystal clear to your prospect and give them a fair idea about it.

Reading a long sales letter can take a toll on your prospect, so don't make the mistake of writing in large paragraphs that are hard to read. You need to use a lot of white space in your sales copy so that it's scannable. Readers of sales copy can be picky, and if you can discomfort or annoy them in any way they'll turn around and be gone. Make sure your paragraphs relate to only a single idea or point, only. Keep you copy "tight" and don't run off into tangents about anything for any reason. Stories are powerful, effective, and timeless and if it can be done, then weave a good story into your copy. Stories accomplish a lot in sales copy from relaxing your reader to making him drop his defenses and become a bit more relaxed. The format for the paragraphs holds true for the entire length of you sales letter.

It's a mistake to think that the P.S. in your sales copy is unimportant. The fact that it has an impact on the rate of your sales conversions makes it just as important as your headline. You use the P.S. ("post script") to remind your customer about the benefits of using your product. It is your last ditch call to action that can get the customer to buy from you. There is always going to be that one moment of hesitation that comes before the prospect decides to buy from you. It is in that moment that you need a P.S. to serve as the last reminder and get them to buy. Besides that it also gives you a chance to let the customer in on some time sensitive information that will make him jump at the chance to buy from you. Helping your prospect take quick action and making them feel the worth of your product is important if you really want to bring in sales to the table. That is when the P.S. becomes just as integral to the sale as your headline.

You can easily and quickly improve your copy by learning about the mistakes that are easy to avoid - and you'll get instant improvement.

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